Livezilla Chat Manual

Dear sponsor,

As part of the functionality of your booth during our event, we added the option of Live Chat directly on the booth layout. You can find the Chat icon on the right corner of your booth where the attendees can set a private chat with you.

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The chat is set to be offline until you login and active this feature.

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In order to start working with the chat please follow the below

1.       Login to the website:

2.       Image PlaceholderUse the login details you received.

Once you login the chat will automaticity become online and the attendees can start communicated with you.

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* If you wants to change your status you can do it from
   the Green icon on the top bar

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4.       When you get a new chat request there will be a sound notification and also a message in the chat, click on the message icon

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5.       In this window you can see all the chats you have in the booth, once you ready click on Start Chat

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6.       Once doing it, you will get to the chat conversation with the client

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This window allow you to see the participant question and the details as from where he is, you can edit his name details if you wants during the conversation.

To answer the client you do it from the lower part of the screen and click enter, you can see the all chat and to know if the participant read the message or not.

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