In this section, you can create the list of Speakers that will participate in your event.
As you find in the Agenda section, after going to the section you can select the option "Add new".

Now, we are going to find a new form with the following fields:
Name*: include the name and surname of the speaker. Mandatory field.
Title: job title, country, or any other related data.
Bio: we can add some information about the speaker resume or bio.
Url: we can include the web site or blog of the speaker including the URL.
Email: speakers´ email.
Picture Upload: we can add a picture that will be visible to all attendees. It has to be in an accurate size 335px X 335px. Please be careful with the size of the file. You can use this tool to make it smaller if necessary

Social Media: we can add here all the different Social Media´s Url of the Speaker.
Tags: we can add tags already created from the drop-down list, create a new one or even edit the ones already exist.
Category: we can also make some useful categories in this area.
Can be rated?: as in the Agenda section, we can mark the option and the attendees will be able to rate the Speakers.
You will find more information in the video tutorial below.